Intel showed some of the uses of the “little PC” in a small collection of “Nursery 2.0” products using embedded Edison chips: a toy frog that reports an infant’s vitals to a parent via an LED coffee cup, and a milk warmer that starts heating when another connected item like the frog hears the baby cry. Intel CEO is quoted saying; “Wearables are not everywhere today because they aren’t yet solving real problems and they aren’t yet integrated with our lifestyles, We’re focused on addressing this engineering innovation challenge. Our goal is, if something computes and connects, it does it best with Intel inside” The Economic Times believe that; We look forward to how wearable tech can actually become useful in solving real life problems other than just fancy tech attire to complement the latest fashion trends. Intel understands this and will be injecting $1.3 million in prize money for developers making wearable tech in a contest